Native Grassland Reconstruction
Native grassland reconstruction is the planting and establishment of a highly diverse grass/forb mix on cropland with species biodiversity naturally found in native prairie. Native grassland reconstruction may be used to transition from cropping to livestock production or to establish new wildlife/pollinator habitat. Reconstructed native grass plantings are made up of a native seed mixture of numerous prairie grasses and forb species to mimic native prairie.
With so little remaining grasslands in the state, protection is not enough, and the need for grassland reconstruction is becoming increasingly more evident. There is a demand from landowners to enroll previously cropped land into a grassland reconstruction program, and by doing this, we will be creating a resource that benefits people, wildlife and cattle, while providing a guaranteed income for landowners.
- Increased high quality livestock forage
- Economic alternative to cropping marginal land
- Improved diversity of plant composition
- Decreased weed infestations
- Improve water quality
- Increase wildlife and pollinator habitat
- Decreased soil washouts and erosion
- Improved animal health and productivity
- Increased stocking rates
Learn More
To learn more about these programs, please fill out and submit the contact request form below. Your information will be forwarded to the appropriate partner(s) who will contact you to discuss how their programs might assist you.
Native Grassland Reconstruction Partners
• USDA-NRCS • ND Game and Fish Dept. • US Fish and Wildlife Service • ND Natural Resources Trust • Audubon Dakota • Northern Great Plains Joint Venture • Millborn Seeds