Shrub and Tree Planting Cost Share Option
The Department offers assistance to landowners for establishing wildlife shrub/tree plantings on private land through the Working Lands Program.
There are many different tree planting programs available to landowners through other entities. These can be considered for PLOTS on a case-by-case basis.
General Program Requirements:
- Plantings must be placed in cropland or former cropland; the Department will not promote native sod breaking for plantings. Plantings must be located a minimum of 150’ from native prairie.
- Design, orders, and installation will be completed through the county Soil Conservation District.
- Must follow NRCS specifications for wildlife tree plantings with regards to number of rows, tree/shrub species, and spacing requirements.
- Arrangement can be in any shape necessary to conform to the topography or natural terrain. Plantings without straight edges, or those that mimic natural habitat, are preferred.
- Tall trees will be avoided with 300’ of a wetland.
Option 1:
- Minimum two year agreement required (WLP agreement)
- Department will issue an annual rental payment (County Average Non-Irrigated Cropland Cash Rents- compiled by ND Dept. of Trust Lands) for shrub/tree and associated cropland acreage planted to grass (between row, adjacent tillable acreage or expired CRP).
Option 2 (partial cost-share provided to landowner by SCD or other source):
- Requires PLOTS agreement for a minimum of 10 years.
- Department will issue an annual rental payment (County Average Non-Irrigated Cropland Cash Rents- compiled by ND Dept. of Trust Lands) for shrub/tree and associated cropland acreage planted to grass (between rows, adjacent tillable acreage or expired CRP).
- Department will issue a one-time $30/acre HIP for new grass established between rows or adjacent to tree planting.
- Department will provide 50% cost share for replacement trees (hand plants) during the first three years of the agreement with documentation
- Department will provide 40% cost share for trees, fabric and installation costs. (based off of SCD tree planting invoice/costs)
- Department will provide cost share for grass seed between rows or adjacent plantings (NRCS EQIP HU rate) not to exceed 100% including other cost share sources.
Option 3 (no SCD or OHF cost-share):
- Requires PLOTS agreement for a minimum of 10 years. (new or amended existing agreement)
- Department will issue an annual rental payment (County Average Non-Irrigated Cropland Cash Rents- compiled by ND Dept. of Trust Lands) for shrub/tree and associated cropland acreage planted to grass (between rows, adjacent tillable acreage or expired CRP).
- Department will issue a one-time $30/acre HIP for new grass established between rows or adjacent to tree planting.
- Department will provide 50% cost share for replacement trees (hand plants) during the first three years of the agreement with documentation.
- Department will provide cost share for trees, fabric and installation costs dependent upon companion program; not to exceed 100% cost share from all sources.
- Department will provide cost share for grass seed between rows or adjacent plantings (NRCS EQIP HU rate); not to exceed 100% cost share from all sources.
Landowner must agree to:
- Allow the Department to sign and publicize the access acres as open to walk-in hunting.