Canada Goose Depredation Permits
Agricultural producers experiencing problems with Canada goose depredation of their crops may apply for and receive a permit that allows them to kill adult and gosling Canada geese and destroy Canada goose nests and eggs on their property. The intent of this permit is to allow landowners to use “lethal” take in conjunction with non-lethal deterrents. The permit program is not intended to control the Canada goose population, but rather allow producers to reduce depredation problems and haze geese into areas where depredation does not occur. This work may be conducted by the landowner and up to 5 “control agents” that they designate on their permit. Permitted activities may take place only on lands owned, leased or operated by the permit applicant. Permits are valid only during designated dates and for specified methods of control. This is not a hunting season. Permits do not allow “hunting” of these birds and all birds taken must be retrieved and disposed of in one of the specified manners.
For more information see Canada Goose Agricultural Depredation Control FAQs page.
Existing permit holders may submit report data, print permits and edit account information below.
(If you have problems accessing the system from this page, please go to https://gfappspublic.nd.gov/PublicPortal/ to access.)