Question | Answer |
Example |

Can I still use the animal |
Yes - take safety precautions
Commonly infected wildlife |
Bears, Mountain Lions
Is this animal infected |
- Wild animals rarely show signs of disease
- Always assume mountain lion and bear meat is infected
Can I get it |
- By eating undercooked mountain lion or bear meat infected with the Trichinella worm
- You cannot get it from an infected person
How bad can it get |

No symptoms or mild symptoms most common; can be fatal
How can I protect myself and others |
- Kill the worms!
- Cook meat thoroughly
- Heat to at least to 165°F
- Worms are not killed by smoking, microwaving, freezing, curing or drying
Symptoms in humans |
- Variable, but may include:
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Stomach pain
- Fatigue
- Aching joints
- Eye swelling
- Muscle pain
- May be FATAL if worms interfere with the heart, diaphragm, lungs or brain
- Consult with your doctor if you have any of the above symptoms for up to eight weeks after eating mountain lion or wild bear meat
Is it safe for pets |
Not Raw - Cook first
What causes it |
- A roundworm called Trichinella found in muscles of infected animals