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Game and Fish Pays Property Taxes

The North Dakota Game and Fish Department recently paid more than $729,000 in taxes to counties in which the department owns or leases land. The 2022 in-lieu-of-tax payments are the same as property taxes paid by private landowners.

 The Game and Fish Department manages more than 200,000 acres for wildlife habitat and public hunting in 51 counties. The department does not own or manage any land in Traill or Renville counties. 

Following is a list of counties and the tax payments received. 

County Tax Due County Tax Due County  Tax Due
Adams 188.88 Grand Forks 20,460.43 Pierce 3,327.71
Barnes 7,156.73 Grant 1,218.15 Ramsey 17,160.43
Benson 5,450.72 Griggs 100.92 Ransom 2,217.07
Billings 283.14 Hettinger 4,595.39 Richland 19,230.42
Bottineau 6,734.57 Kidder 12,673.84 Rolette 54,942.69
Bowman 2,410.45 LaMoure 11,823.72 Sargent 21,073.44
Burke 1,039.71 Logan 419.22 Sheridan 86,485.63
Burleigh 26,938.28 McHenry 1,686.94 Sioux 221.60
Cass 8,108.37 McIntosh 9,897.14 Slope 1,948.20
Cavalier 14,957.59 McKenzie 37,026.45 Stark 5,646.82
Dickey 13,332.74 McLean 128,414.51 Steele 10,947.41
Divide 2,553.30 Mercer 21,489.12 Stutsman 5,688.19
Dunn 5,283.76 Morton 25,618.49 Towner 2,501.88
Eddy 6,744.22 Mountrail 6,438.72 Walsh 10,565.23
Emmons 7,576.85 Nelson 8,005.98 Ward 59.16
Foster 1,062.48 Oliver 2,825.03 Wells 62,793.31
Golden Valley 169.45 Pembina 12,046.98 Williams 9,682.14