PLI Contractor List
Below is a listing of contractors available to help landowners with habitat work. More contractors will be added as they sign up.
Note: If you are a contractor wishing to add your business to this list, please fill out the online signup form here.
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Name | Contact Name | Phone | Address | City, State, Zip | Website | Services Provided | Equipment | Comments (area of state, travel distance, other) | |
Agassiz Seeds | 701-282-8118 | 445 7 St NW | West Fargo, ND | Seed provider | SE North Dakota | ||||
Brian and Cheryl Muehlberg | Brian and Cheryl Muehlberg | 701-439-2983 | 8174 155th Ave SE | Wyndmere, ND | Well Drilling/Waterline Installing | ||||
Bruce Sedlar | Bruce Sedlar | 701-676-2267 | Binford, ND | Fencing | |||||
Chesak Seed House | 701-223-0391 | 220 N 23rd St | Bismarck, ND | Seed provider | SE North Dakota | ||||
Croplan Genetics | 701-852-3036 | 525 55th St SE | Minot, ND | Seed | NW North Dakota | ||||
D and M Excavating | Dan Meitteider | 701-490-0727 | 606 McKenzie Ave | Steele, ND | Well Drilling/Waterline Installing | ||||
Dave Lewis Construction | Dave Lewis | 701-996-2826 | 2833 65th Ave NE | Sheyenne, ND | Well Drilling/Waterline Installing | ||||
DeWald Backhoe | 701-252-7561 | 910 18th St SW | Jamestown, ND | Waterline Installing | |||||
Doing It Right | Schad Prellwitz | schad@srt.com | 701-720-1307 | 12399 90th St SE | Sawyer, ND | Native and/or introduced grass planting, Cover crop planting, Disking, harrowing or other tillage, Rotary mowing, Tree removal, Fencing, Stream and shoreline stabilization, Wetland restoration. | 107 Haybuster drill, Tractors, Bobcats, Excavators, Disk, Drags, Brillion seeder. | ||
Ernie and Beverly Fischer | Ernie and Beverly Fischer | 307-214-2981 | Selfridge, ND | Fencing | |||||
Farrell Lorge | Farrell Lorge | 701-440-8791 | 6503 150 Ave SW | Amidon, ND | No till seed drill, although some types of native grasses do not work in this drill. | Tractor, No till air drill. | |||
FDC Enterprises | Tom Schwartz | 866-270-4833 | Sioux City, IA | Pollinator plot establishment, Grass seeding, Herbicide application. | No till seeder, Sprayer. | If project is large enough they would be willing to travel. | |||
Feickert Well Drilling | Terry Feickert | 701-799-7118 | 315 Dakota Ave | Goodrich, ND | Well Drilling | ||||
Forsberg Fabrication | Steve Forsberg | forsbergfabrication@yahoo.com | 7012048477 | 5704 E Main Ave, Unit 4 | Bismarck, ND | Welding/Fabrication | Fabrication and repair on all forms of steel and aluminum. | ||
Gordy Thomas | Gordy Thomas | 701-226-8346 | 2251 431st St NE | Driscoll ND | Seeding, Haul gravel, Dirt Workwork. | Tractor w/drill, Bobcat, Gravel truck, Loader. | |||
Gregory Water and Energy | Leroy Gregory | 701-260-2103 | 3484 114U Ave SW | Dickinson, ND | Well Drilling/Waterline Installing | ||||
Habitat Unlimited | Dave Nehring | dnehring@bektel.com | 701-214-3184 | 12550 10th Ave SE | Bismarck ND | Native and/or introduced grass planting, row crop planting, small grain planting, cover crop planting, weed spraying, weed clipping, Rotary mowing, Swather | Semi with 48' hydraulic drop deck, 105 hp FWA tractors, No-till row crop planter, No till grass drills, No till grain drills, Sprayers with GPS guidance, Swather and baler with net-wrap, 15-foot batwing mower. | Will travel to most areas of ND. | |
HCI | Greg Holland | gkholland@703com.net | 218-284-8873 | 825 Hwy 75 N | Moorhead, MN | www.seedinganderosioncontrol.com | Native and/or introduced grass planting, Cover crop planting, Disking, harrowing or other tillage, Weed spraying. | Tractors, Skidsteers, Small diggers, Harley rakes, No till seed drills, Brillion drill seeders. | Located near fargo but able to travel most of the eastern half of the state. |
Hubbard Feeds | 701-223-4065 | 1503 Yegen Rd | Bismarck, ND | Seed provider | SE North Dakota | ||||
Heimbuch Seed Farm | 888-428-6741 | 9748 122nd Ave SE | Cogswell, ND | Seed provider | SE North Dakota | ||||
HYCO | Dale Heid | daleheidranch@gmail.com | 701-880-1054 | 124 Lake Ilo Dr | Dunn Center, ND | Custom fencing, Mowing, Water system/irrigation installation, Seeding, Tree planting. | Hydroseeder, Tractor w/drill, Skidsteer, Dump truck. | ||
Jay Nissen | Jay Nissen | jrnslh@yahoo.com | 218-779-4501 | Larimore, ND | Native grass prep (including tillage and management) and seeding, Wetland restoration. | Will travel 100+ miles. | |||
Jeff's Landscaping Inc.Com | Jeffrey Moen | jeffrey58275@gra.midco.net | 701-740-6323 | PO Box 174 | Reynolds, ND | www.jeffslandscapinginc.com | Native and/or introduced grass planting, Small grain planting, Cover crop planting, Disking, harrowing or other tillage, Prescribed burning, Rotary mowing, Tree and shrub planting, Tree removal. | Bobcat withvarious attachments, Spreaders, Utility tractors, Trucks, Mini excavator, Saws. | 75 miles depending on size of job. |
Jim Hopfauf | James Hopfauf | 701-597-3546 | 3360 58th Street | Flasher, ND | Solar Pumps | SW North Dakota | |||
K and T Service | Kurt Tobrigewitch | ktobrigewitch@hotmail.com | 701-290-4804 | Dickinson, ND | Custom seeding, Spraying, Mowing. | Grass drill, Brush mower. | Available in Mott/Regent area. | ||
KC Harvey Environmental | Dakotah Smith | dsmith@kcharvey.com | 208-604-1723 | 376 Gallatin Park Drive | Bozeman, MT | Native and/or introduced grass planting, Row crop planting, Small grain planting, Cover crop planting, Disking, harrowing or other tillage, Weed spraying, Rotary mowing, Tree and shrub planting, Fencing, Stream and shoreline stabilization, Wetland restoration | Tractor, Skid Steers, Truax Seeders - tractor and skid steer mount, Erosion control BMP install equipment, Erosion control BMP install equipment, Fencing equipment, Tree Planting equipment from Trees R Us, Skidpro mowers, 12' disc, 8' rippers | KC Harvey Environmental works out of Stanley, ND. We have projects from North of Fortuna, clear down to Cannonball ranch and even south into Grant County. Work performed in Mountrail, Ward, Williams, Divide, Mckenzie, Dunn, Mercer, Morton, Grant and Emmons Counties. We are available across many region in ND. | |
Kirby Johnson | Kirby Johnson | 701-871-0506 | 5212 Beaver Creek Place | Bismarck, ND | Well Drilling | ||||
Kresbach Backhoe Service | Todd Kresback | 701-252-7542 | 3225 Hwy 20 N | Jamestown, ND | Waterline Installing | ||||
Kuntz Fencing | Jerry Kuntz | 701-537-3163 | 5744 14th Ave NE | Towner, ND | Fence | NE North Dakota | |||
Land Stewards INC | Neal Barnes | nbarnes@midriv.com | 701-301-7983 | 1735 Hwy 31 | Hannover, ND | https://www.facebook.com/LandStewardsInc/ | G:\Wildlife\PrivateLands\Contractors\LandStewardInc_2019.pdf | Seed drill, Excavator, Skidsteer. | (Neal Barnes/Business Dev and Project Mgr: 701-301-7983, nbarnes@midriv.com), (Michael Beckman/Business Manager:701-527-6450, mbeckman@westriv.com). |
Lang's Lawn Care | Dale Lang | langslawncare@gmail.com | 701-200-1080 | 6800 Endicott Dr | Bismarck, ND | Weed spraying, Rotary mowing, Food plots | Skidsteer, Rotary mower, 6' Tiller, 5' Drill, 4-wheeler sprayer, pickup sprayer | 60 miles around Bismarck | |
Leigh Backhaus and Sons | Leigh Backhaus | backhaus1@westriv.com | 701-843-8339 | New Salem, ND | Fencing | ||||
Levi Peterson | Levi Peterson | 701-843-7001 | 3820 47th St | New Salem, ND | Fencing | ||||
Little d Fencing | Devin Deile | 701-321-0942 | Zeeland, ND | Fencing | |||||
Livingston Dirtworks | Bruce Livingston | 701-226-8172 | PO Box 65 | Tuttle, ND | Native and/or introduced grass planting, Row crop planting, Small grain planting, Cover crop planting, Disking, harrowing or other tillage, Prescribed burning, Weed spraying, Weed clipping, Rotary mowing, Tree and shrub planting, Tree removal, Fencing, Stream and shoreline stabilization, Wetland restoration, digging ponds, creating water retention ponds | Dozer, Excavator, Trucks, Tractors, Scraper. | 100 mile radius of Bismarck. Would prefer a larger project. | ||
LTP Well Drilling | Bruce Pulkrabek | 701-232-8928 | Well Drilling/Waterline Installing | ||||||
Millborn Seeds | 605-627-1901 | 2132 32nd Ave | Brookings, SD | www.millbornseeds.com | Seed provider | SE North Dakota | |||
Miller Fence | Donald/Daniel Miller | 701-597-3831 | Raleigh, ND | Fencing | |||||
Mittleider Excavating | Ron Mettleider | 701-269-8762 | 4170 45th Ave SE | Tappen, ND | Well Drilling/Waterline Installing | ||||
Olafson Brothers Construction | Darren Olafson | olafsonenterprises@polarcomm.com | 701-521-0073 | 13043 84th St NE | Edinburg, ND | Disking, Harrowing or other tillage, Weed clipping, Rotary mowing, Swather, Tree removal, Brush shredding. | Dozer, Excavator, Track skidsteer with bucket and brush shredder, Tractor with harrow or disk. | Northeast corner of ND. | |
Outback Fencing and Services | Austin Menge | austin@outbackfencing.net | 701-516-0065 | 37 McGinnis Way | Lincoln, ND | Fencing, Spraying | ATV Sprayer | South Central, ND | |
Payne, Justin | Justin Payne | 701-468-5909 | Fence | NW North Dakota | |||||
Prairies Diversified | Roger Rostvet | 701-258-0181 | 4740 Grassy Lane | Bismarck, ND | Seed provider | SE North Dakota | |||
Ray Kilzer | Ray Kilzer | 701-260-4330 | Mott, ND | Native seed planting. | Large scale only. | ||||
Reginal Herman | Reginal Herman | 701-466-2396 | 5475 62nd Ave NE | Brinsmade, ND | Seeding | NE North Dakota | |||
Schoch Farms | Tyler Schoch | innovativerepair@hotmail.com | 701-290-1017 | 3171 122nd Ave SW | Dickinson, ND | Native and/or introduced grass planting, Row crop planting, Small grain planting, Cover crop planting, Disking, harrowing or other tillage, Weed spraying, Swather, Fencing | 15' and 36' no till disk drill, John Deere no till row crop planter, Disk with harrows, GPS guidance on all equipment, Herbicide sprayer with section control, Fencing equipment, Mowing and baling of hay with netwrap or square bales. | Willing to travel depending on size of job and schedule, Full Service, Use best current methods and practices. | |
Stuart Paulson | Stuart Paulson | 701-206-0335 | Amidon, ND | Seeding | No till seed drill | ||||
Ternes Outdoor Services | Brent Ternes | brentternes@hotmail.com | 701-391-1208 | 10709 Daisy Lane | Bismarck, ND | Weed spraying and Rotary mowing | Weed Badger, Disk, Tiller, Bush Hog, Sprayers, Dump Trailer. | Will travel within 100 miles of Bismarck. | |
Joel Urdahl | Joel Urdahl | 320-221-0485 | Litchfield, MN | Seeding, Tilling, Mowing, Tree Removal | Rubin-12 High Speed Disc, 450 HP Tractor, 15' Batwing Mower, Broadcast Seeder, Grain Drill, Skid Steer w/ Forestry Head and Mower. | Eastern ND | |||
Wald Fencing and Supplies | Rocky Brown | waldfencing@hotmail.com | 701-452-4000 | Wishek, ND | www.waldfencing.com | Fencing | |||
Wild Rice Soil Conservation District | Brandon Laddusaw | brandon.laddusaw@nd.nacdnet.net | 701-724-6226 ext 3 | 8991 Hwy 32 Suite 2 | Forman, ND | www.wildricescd.com | Native and/or introduced grass planting, Cover crop planting, Tree and shrub planting | We have a John Deere 1590 no till drill and 275 Case Mag that can be rented or hired out to have the district do the project. We use a 95 Farmall and Trees are Us planter/fabric machine to plant conservation grade trees and shrubs. | We are available for services in Sargent county. |