Watchable Wildlife Photo Contest
The North Dakota Game and Fish Watchable Wildlife Photo Contest is an annual photo contest begun in 1989. The contest showcases North Dakota's wildlife, plant and insect species. Winning photos are displayed on the Department's website and in the January issue of the North Dakota Outdoors magazine, the Department's monthly magazine.
The contest has categories for nongame and game species, as well as plants/insects. An overall winning photograph will be chosen, with the number of place winners in each category determined by the number of qualified entries.
Contest Rules
- Photos must have been taken in North Dakota.
- Submission Deadline: October 1.
- Submission Format: Only digital files will be accepted. Files must be png, jpg, jpeg. Digital submissions can be either original digital photographs, or scans made from prints or slides/transparencies. Photographers will need to supply the original image if needed for publication.
- Entry Limits: No more than five entries per contestant.
- Submissions: Photos must be submitted online (see form below).
- All entries must be accompanied by the photographer’s name, phone number and email address. Other information such as photo site location and month taken can be entered into the comment box provided.
How to Enter
Entrants may submit digital images using the online form on this page.
User Agreement
By submitting an entry, photographers grant permission to Game and Fish to publish winning photographs in North Dakota OUTDOORS magazine, and on the Department’s website, gf.nd.gov, as well as the agency social media channels.
Watchable Wildlife Photo Contest Submission Form
(Note: If you have trouble accessing the form above use the direct link here.)