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Behind the Badge

Wetlands in fall

Boat and Water Safety - It’s not just for the warm weather months

History tells us that the fall is the deadliest time of year for boating fatalities. Learn more in this week's Behind the Badge by enforcement operations supervisor Jackie Lundstrom.

The Most Important Part of the Hunt

The Most Important Part of the Hunt

What is the most important part of any hunt? Planning probably isn't the first thing many think of to answer that question, but perhaps it should be as is evidenced in this Behind the Badge by warden Zane Manhart.

Cartoon escapee running through cornfield

The Escapee

What does it take to catch an escaped prisoner? Combines and tree stands probably aren’t the first things to come to mind, but sometimes they’re just what’s needed. Learn more in this week’s Behind the Badge by Warden Andrew Dahlgren.

Shoes with arrows on the ground below them pointing different directions

Filling Multiple Shoes

Building a foundation for working as a game warden can be a multifaceted, engaging endeavor as warden Clayton Edstrom shows in this week’s Behind the Badge.

Person fishing from boat in fog with PFD overlay

Choosing a Personal Flotation Device

One of the most important considerations when choosing a PFD is, will you wear it. Modern inflatable PFDs can be a comfortable option, but are they right for you? Learn more in this week’s Behind the Badge by Warden Erik Schmidt.

Jamestown PD logo (left), NDGF logo (right), prairie background

It’s Not Always Hooks and Bullets

Most associate game warden duties with hunters and anglers … such as checking them for valid licenses, abiding by daily and possession limits, and so on and so forth.

But there is so much more that goes into the life of a game warden. The following, a letter of recognition for warden Greg Hastings, is just one example of what a game warden does to help ensure the safety of all citizens.   

Kid fishing

Where the Goal is Secondary to the Journey

Sometimes, when we have a goal in mind, we focus so narrowly on reaching that goal that we miss the many small wonders found along the way. And sometimes it takes a fresh perspective to get us back on track.


Unpredictable Days

Truck and trailer in water

Expect the Unexpected

Lending a hand when needed is a part of most people’s jobs, but for game wardens that effort can be a wee bit more exciting than it is for most of us. Read one such story in this Behind the Badge by Warden Greg Hastings.

Drawing of kids fishing from a boat


When the smallest act of kindness can make your week – A story from Warden Kylor Johnston

Fawns in Cage

My Wife Wants to Punch You!

Sometimes people, with the best intentions, can cause a great deal of harm when they think they’re helping. Read one such story in this Behind the Badge by Warden Daniel Hoenke.

Drawing of a raccoon (left) and badger (right)

How do you know?

Many city homeowners have little experience with wildlife, so when a call comes in about a worrisome critter in the yard, it is best to proceed with a little skepticism, as this Behind the Badge by Warden Courtney Sprenger shows.

Drawing of deer and tree at night

A Deer Season of Firsts

For hunters, sometimes the greatest rewards are found not in the hunt itself, but rather in passing on their skills and love of hunting to a new generation. Read one story in this Behind the Badge by Warden Erik Schmidt.

Antlers in snow

With a Little Luck

Making a case is always based on hard work, but often it also requires a little luck. Read one such story by Warden Shawn Sperling.

Illustration of person walking in snow

An Injudicious Walkabout

When venturing into the outdoors, it is wise to keep in mind that nature is an unforgiving force, as one man discovered in this week’s Behind the Badge by Warden Mike Sedlacek.

Drawing of compass

Safety in Numbers and Knowing Your Location

Being able to pinpoint your own location while in the field can be critically important as evidenced in this post by Warden Sam Feldmann.

Very angry badger in live trap in back of a truck

That Ain't No Cat

Normally, encouraging an uninvited guest to decamp does not require calling your local game warden, but sometimes…


Finding the Good

Every career comes with its advantages and drawbacks. Learn about some of the everyday rewards that come with being a Game Warden in this Behind the Badge with Warden Jerad Bluem.

White-tailed buck

Deciding to Make the Call

Have you ever observed someone you think might be committing a hunting or fishing violation? What is the best course of action in such a situation? Find out in this week’s Behind the Badge with Warden Corey Erck.

Mallard Wing

The Lighter Side of the Wildlife Box

Public outreach. Game Wardens do it every day. But some groups are a tougher audience than others and require a bit more forethought to effectively address as warden Art Cox illustrates in this Behind the Badge.

Old plastic bottle on the ground

Ice Fishing Litter

One of the most common violations wardens see is one that seems to be a problem no matter what the time of year: littering. Learn more in this week's Behind the Badge.
Sunset over a wetland

How I became a North Dakota Game Warden

In this Behind the Badge, Game Warden Paige Swanson takes us on her journey to becoming a game warden.

Drawing of car with driver smoking and bees following

Tall Tales and Knuckleheaded Miscreants

Sometimes when on patrol, game wardens encounter some rather farcical situations. Read this week’s Behind the Badge for a few examples from game warden Keenan Snyder.


Other Duties as Assigned (Ep. 2)

Giving credit where credit is due is a value most learn early in life, but sometimes that lesson requires a little reinforcement…

Line drawing of Santa Claus in a bathtub

Santa Claus in a Bathtub

A game warden just never knows what they'll encounter on any given call and of all the possibilities, Santa Clause in a bathtub just doesn't make the list...until he does...

Drayton Dam

Stories from Drayton Dam

The end of an era and beginning of a new one - Stories from Drayton Dam.

Wilson's snipe on post

The Illusive Snipe

Have you ever been on a snipe hunt? Some refer to a snipe hunt as a prank, but snipe hunting can be an enjoyable pastime. Learn more in this post from Warden Greg Hastings.

Small plane flying

The Chase

 Spotting “shiners” is relatively easy, catching them...sometimes not so much. Read Warden Phalen’s story in this week’s Behind the Badge.