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Behind the Badge

Duck Hunters

The Duck

How many hunters does it take to harvest a duck? More than you might think...

White-tailed deer with locked antlers

Deer Duel

Sometimes in a battle between rutting bucks neither wins. Sometimes both are lucky to survive. Read one pair's story from District Game Warden Alan Howard.

Ice fishing pole and line at ice hole

Tall Tales - Ice Fishing Edition

For some anglers, the legal maximum limit of poles just seems too limiting, and they're willing to go the extra mile to try and hide that illegal additional pole or 2...or 3...or 11...

Cartoon car packed with fish

Hot Bite on a Cold Day

Devils Lake can offer some amazing fall fishing making it easy for anglers to catch their limit of fish…and then some. Read more in this Behind The Badge post from Game Warden Drew Johnson.

Wardens with trick-or-treating kids

Positive Times

Game wardens do a lot for our communities including stepping outside of their core duties and assisting with efforts to provide our kids with positive experiences. Learn more in this post by Game Warden Jerad Bluem.

Moose running


When dealing with people who have committed a hunting violation, wardens are often treated to lies and evasion, so much so that encountering honesty and integrity can come as a bit of a shock.

Deer target

You Never Know...

Sometimes the call from dispatch ends up being about a serious incident, sometimes...not so much...

People working on getting an ice house and truck out of the water

Treacherous Ice

Ice fishing is a much loved and time honored sport here in North Dakota, but it has its treacherous side as Warden Ken Skuza can attest. 

People in a boat on a ND lake

Boating Lifestyle

While boating started out as a hobby for District Game Warden Shawn Sperling, it led him to his profession. 

Young hunters duck hunting at sunrise

Stories from the Old-Timer

Sometimes the experience of mentoring a new hunter can rival the experience of hunting itself and create cherished memories, as Warden Tim Phalen illustrates in this Stories from the Old-Timer.

Poached deer

Deer Poaching - Request for Information

Game and Fish officials are looking for information in connection to a deer poaching case at the Cass County wildlife club gun range near Casselton. One young button buck was shot and left on the gun range west of Casselton. The deer was most likely shot in the evening of October 15 or early morning of October 16, 2021.  

Sunset over the badlands

A Day in the Life of...

For many, each day on the job is fairly routine and predictable. Not so for game wardens, as Warden Keenan Snyder shows in this post, “A Day in the Life of…”

Poached moose

Moose Poaching - Request for Info

Game and Fish officials are looking for information in connection to a moose poaching case near Tolley. A cow moose was shot and left in a field likely between 10 p.m. on October 1, 2021 and 7 a.m. on October 2, 2021.

Full Circle written on a road sign

Full Circle

District Game Warden Jerad Bluem began his career with the Department in 2009. Now he is helping train the next generation of wardens. 

Duck decoys in water

Lessons Not Learned

While the majority of violations wardens deal with are wildlife related, as licensed peace officers they sometimes must address violations outside of their typical purview.

Duck hunter with decoys

Daily Limits and Possession Limits

While most hunters are fully aware of how many and what species of ducks they may shoot in a day, a few are unaware how many they may have in possession. Learn more in this post from District Game Warden Erik Schmidt.

Dead moose with fetuses cut out

Moose Poaching - Case Resolution (08/2021)

After a months-long investigation, two individuals have been sentenced to jail for killing five moose near Dunseith in May of 2020. Learn more in this post from District Game Warden Jonathan Tofteland.

Three people kayaking

PFDs and Paddlecraft

Insufficient PFDs is one of the most-cited violations each year, especially paddlecraft related violations. Learn more in this post from District Game Warden Courtney Sprenger.

ANS sign at boat dock

ANS - A Game Warden's Perspective

Department Game Wardens are tasked with enforcing the rules protecting the state's waters from ANS. Learn more in this article from District Game Warden Andrew Dahlgren.

Warden truck on road

Stories From the Old-Timer

Back in 1987 when Game Warden Tim Phalen started his career, field training wasn’t a thing, which made starting out a bit more rocky.

Kayak Paddles

Kayak Found

Kayak found on Lake Sakakawea Saturday, July 24. If you have information on its owner please call the Department at 701-328-6604.


Pack It In, Pack It Out

With an increase in visitation to WMAs this summer has come an increase in litter and abandon property. District Game Warden Jayson Lee pulled the pictured litter out of one WMA in a morning. 

Drawing of tent and fishing dock


Some days in the life of a game warden are more entertaining than others as you'll see in this tale by Game Warden Art Cox.

Operation Dry Water - 2021

Operation Dry Water is part of a nationally coordinated effort to increase knowledge about the dangers of boating under the influence. 

Pinocchio rendering

Tall Tales

Most people game wardens encounter are honest and up-front, but sometimes…well…not so much, as you can read in this “Tall Tale” from Game Warden Alan Howard.

Game Warden Training

Department game wardens recently completed annual training that included skills like emergency vehicle operations, defensive tactics and de-escalation. Learn more in this North Dakota Outdoors.

Warden checking hunting licenses in the field

Game Warden Testing Announcement

The Department has scheduled an examination to select district game warden candidates. The test will be July 16, 2021. The application deadline is July 14.

Poached deer with antlers removed

Poaching Case Resolution

A months-long investigation into the poaching of about 10, and possibly more, whitetail bucks in Barnes County beginning in 2019 ended in the conviction of four men.