Herd Reduction Areas
Concurrent Deer-Bow Herd Reduction Seasons for any antlerless deer will be available for the areas listed below.
- These areas include public and privately owned land.
- All privately owned land requires access permission from the landowner.
- All lands within city limits or in specified management zones:
- require an access permit in addition to the Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction license unless otherwise noted.
- Access permits are limited and based on availability.
- The season shall open in conjunction with deer bow season and close 30 minutes after sunset January 31.
- Further restrictions may apply for season dates, locations, number of licenses and other specifications in the permitted management zones according to the managing entity.
- The cost for each Deer-Bow Herd Reduction license is $30 for residents and $250 for non-residents. The bag limit shall be one any antlerless deer for each license.
- See the season proclamation for more regulations.
Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction Seasons
South Bismarck/Mandan
Portions of the cities of Bismarck, Mandan and adjacent areas referred to as the South Bismarck/Mandan Deer Management Zone. This land includes public and privately owned land. Hunters who desire to hunt within the Deer Management Zone must meet the requirements as described below.
Area Map - Bismarck and Mandan
- Private land south and east of the City of Bismarck in Burleigh County is described as follows: starting where the southwest boundary of the city limits of Bismarck joins the east bank of the Missouri River, then following the city limits of Bismarck east to the point where it meets the west bank of Apple Creek in the northeast one-quarter of Section 26, Township 138 North, Range 80 West, then following the west bank of Apple Creek in a general southwest direction to its junction with the north boundary of Apple Creek Wildlife Management Area and then west and south along the WMA boundary to the Missouri River, then following the east bank of the Missouri River to the point of origin. (This does not include the NDDOCR property).
No access permit is required but hunters must obtain landowner permission before hunting. After obtaining permission, hunters must purchase Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction licenses online. - That land within the city of Bismarck designated by the Bismarck Chief of Police. Hunters who desire to hunt within the city limits of Bismarck must first obtain a trespass/access permit from the Bismarck Chief of Police (701-223-1212). City of Bismarck permit holders will be restricted to those dates and locations specified on the trespass permit(s). No orange clothing is required when hunting within the Deer-Bow Herd Reduction areas unless required by city officials. After obtaining a permit, hunters must purchase a Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction license online at the Game and Fish Department’s website at gf.nd.gov.
- Private land in Morton County located adjacent to the city of Mandan, starting where the southeast boundary of the city limits of Mandan joins the west bank of the Missouri River, then following the west bank of the Missouri River, in a general southwest direction to a point where it meets the east bank of the Heart River, then following the east bank of the Heart River north to its junction with the southern boundary of the city limits of Mandan then following the city limits east to the point of origin. No access permit is required but hunters must obtain landowner permission before hunting. After obtaining permission, hunters must purchase Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction licenses online.
- USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Lab in Mandan. Hunters must first obtain an access permit available at www.ars.usda.gov/plains-area/mandan-nd/ngprl/. After obtaining a permit, hunters must purchase Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction licenses online.
- ND Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation land south of Bismarck at Missouri River Correctional Center. Hunters must first obtain a NDDOCR access permit before hunting on MRCC land. Access permits are only available through the MRCC. Details, including areas open to hunting, will be determined by the MRCC. Anyone interested in applying should call 701-328-9696. Hunters must comply with all other applicable deer bow rules and regulations. After obtaining a permit, hunters must purchase Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction licenses online.
City of Fargo
Portions of the city of Fargo and adjacent areas referred to as the City of Fargo Deer Management Zone. This land includes public and privately owned land. All privately owned land requires access permission from the landowner. Hunters who desire to hunt within the described Fargo Deer Management Zone must first obtain a Fargo Deer Management Access Permit from the City of Fargo (701-241-1310).
Restrictions, including areas open to hunting, number of permits, specific dates, and number of licenses, will be determined by the City of Fargo at the time of application. After obtaining a permit, hunters must purchase Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction licenses online.
City of Minot
Portions of the City of Minot, including private land, referred to as the Minot Deer Management Zone. This land includes public and privately owned land. All privately owned land requires access permission from the landowner. Hunters who desire to hunt within the Minot Deer Management Zone must first obtain a Minot Deer Management Access Permit from the City of Minot (701-857-4711).
A limited number of access permits will be issued for hunting in the Minot Deer Management Zone. After obtaining a permit, hunters must purchase a Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction license online at the Game and Fish Department’s website at gf.nd.gov.
City of Portland
Portions of the city of Portland and adjacent areas referred to as the Portland Deer Management Zone. Hunters who desire to hunt within the described Portland Deer Management Zone must first obtain a Portland Deer Management Access Permit from the City of Portland (701-788-2463).
Restrictions including quantity of access permits, will be determined by the City of Portland. After obtaining a permit, hunters must purchase Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction licenses online.
City of Watford City
Portions of the city of Watford City and adjacent areas referred to as the Watford City Deer Management Zone. Hunters who desire to hunt within the described Watford City Deer Management Zone must first obtain a Watford City Deer Management Access Permit from the City of Watford City (701-444-2280).
Restrictions including quantity of access permits, will be determined by the City of Watford City. After obtaining a permit, hunters must purchase Special Deer-Bow Herd Reduction licenses online.