Publication Search
Department publications offered online may be found using the search below. This search excludes the following:
- Magazines: The following search excludes North Dakota Outdoors magazines. To view the magazine online go to the North Dakota Outdoors archive.
- Maps: Printable maps can be found on the map index page
- Legislation: Bills related to wildlife and conservation from the last and/or current legislative session are listed on our legislation page.
- Regulations: Regulations such as hunting guides may be found in the regulations section of the website.
- Printable Applications: Printable applications and other forms may be found throughout the website organized by topic.
Filter by:
Title | Authors and Contributors | Target Species | Type |
2024 Combination Hunting Guide | NDGF | Other | |
Human Dimensions of Deer Hunters in North Dakota’s Badlands Region (2024) | NDGF and HDNR Consulting, LLC | Deer | Research papers |
North Dakota 2024-26 Fishing Guide | North Dakota Game and Fish Department | Fish | Other |
Chronic Wasting Disease Management Plan (2023-27) | North Dakota Game and Fish Department | Cervids | Management reports and plans |
2021-23 NDGF Biennial Report | NDGF | n/a | Other |
2019-21 NDGF Biennial Report | n/a | n/a | Other |
2017-19 NDGF Biennial Report | n/a | n/a | Other |
2015-17 NDGF Biennial Report | n/a | n/a | Other |
2013-15 NDGF Biennial Report | n/a | n/a | Other |
Prime Fur Periods in North Dakota | NDGF, ND Fur Harvesters and Trappers Association | Furbearers | Educational materials |
Conservation PLOTS Program Fact Sheet (2023) | PLI Division | n/a | Other |
Habitats of North Dakota - Supplemental Activities | Sherry Niesar | n/a | Educational materials |
Habitats of North Dakota Teacher Resource Guide | North Dakota Center for Distance Education | n/a | Educational materials |
Woodlands Habitat (Habitats of North Dakota Unit Booklet) | North Dakota Center for Distance Education | n/a | Educational materials |
Wetlands Habitat (Habitats of North Dakota Unit Booklet) | North Dakota Center for Distance Education | n/a | Educational materials |
Riparian Habitat (Habitats of North Dakota Unit Booklet) | North Dakota Center for Distance Education | n/a | Educational materials |
Prairie Habitat (Habitats of North Dakota Unit Booklet) | North Dakota Center for Distance Education | n/a | Educational materials |
Badlands Habitat (Habitats of North Dakota Unit Booklet) | North Dakota Center for Distance Education | n/a | Educational materials |
CWD Transmission Risks with Baiting | NDGF | Cervids | Educational materials |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department Overview Fact Sheet (2022) | North Dakota Game and Fish Department | n/a | Other |
Chronic Wasting Disease Test Sampling Kit - Printable Instructions | NDGF | Cervids | Educational materials |
2023 R3 Strategic Plan | Cayla Bendel | n/a | Management reports and plans |
Survival and Cause-Specific Mortality of Pronghorn in Southwestern North Dakota | JESSE L. KOLAR, JOSHUA J. MILLSPAUGH, TONY W. MONG and BRUCE A. STILLINGS | Pronghorn | Research papers |
2022 Bald Eagle Nest Summary | North Dakota Game and Fish Department | Bald Eagles | Research papers |
Earth Day Activity Guide | Sherry | Educational materials | |
Learn to Hunt Event Planning Guide | R3 Coordinator Cayla Bendel | n/a | Educational materials |
Wind Energy Development in North Dakota Best Management Practices | North Dakota Game and Fish Department | Various | Other |
North Dakota State Bat Management Plan | Erin Gillam, J.J. Nelson, Paul Barnhart (NDSU, DSU) | Management reports and plans | |
Removing Y Bones from Northern Pike | Department Staff | Northern Pike | Educational materials |
Common Fish of North Dakota | North Dakota Game and Fish Department | Fish | Educational materials |
Migration Patterns of Pronghorn in Southwestern North Dakota | JESSE L. KOLAR, JOSHUA J. MILLSPAUGH and BRUCE A. STILLINGS | Pronghorn | Research papers |
Potential Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Mule Deer in Western North Dakota - Study Presentation | Jesse Kolar (Univ of MO), Dr. Joshua Millspaugh (Univ. of MT), Bruce Stillings (NDGNF), Brett Skelly (West VA Univ.), Chris Hansen (Univ. of MT), Dr. Christopher Rota (West VA Univ.) | Mule deer | Research papers |
North Dakota Greater Sage-Grouse Recovery Project: Using Translocation to Prevent State-Wide Extirpation and Develop Rangewide Protocols | Kade D. Lazenby | Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) | Research papers |
Ecology of Mountain Lions (Puma concolor) in the North Dakota Badlands: Population Dynamics and Prey Use | David Wilckens | Mountain Lion | Research papers |
Mountain Lion (Puma concolor) Population Characteristics and Resource Selection in the North Dakota Badlands | Randy D. Johnson | Mountain Lion | Research papers |
Species Distribution Modelling of Rare Insect Species in North Dakota (SWG T-47-R) | Dr. Brett Goodwin, University of North Dakota | Insects | Research papers |
Full Annual Cycle Demographic Monitoring of Grassland Birds Nesting in the Northern Great Plains (SWG T-46-R) | Nancy Drilling, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies | Grassland birds | Research papers |
Amphibian and Reptile Surveys of Southeastern North Dakota (SWG T-44-R) | Dr. Matthew Smith, North Dakota State University | Amphibians and Reptiles | Research papers |
Cottonwood Restoration in North Dakota Riparian Forests (SWG T-42-R) | Dr. Jared LeBoldus, North Dakota State University | Cottonwoods | Research papers |
Grassland Bird and Invertebrate Distribution and Response to Fire Management within the Grand Forks County Saline Prairie Focus Area (SWG T-41-R) | Dr. Kathryn Yurkonis and Dr. Brett Goodwin, University of North Dakota | grassland birds, invertebrates | Research papers |
Survey of ‘Fringe’ Mammals in Western North Dakota (SWG T-39-R) | Dr. Michael Shaughnessy and Dr. Craig Whippo Dickinson State University | mammals | Research papers |
Hibernating Bats in North Dakota: Species Diversity, Habitat Use, and Potential Impacts of White-Nose Syndrome (SWG T-35-R) | Dr. Erin Gillam, Dr. JJ Nelson, Dr. Paul Barnhart, ND State University | Bats | Research papers |
Boat and Water Safety Guide 2023-2025 | North Dakota Game and Fish Department | n/a | Educational materials |
Resident and Nonresident Hunter and Angler Expenditures, Characteristics, and Economic Effects, North Dakota, 2017-2018 | NDSU - Elvis Ndembe, Dean A. Bangsund, Nancy M. Hodur | n/a | Research papers |
Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan - 2018 | Jessica Howell | ANS | Management reports and plans |
Lonetree WMA Driving Tour Brochure | Game and Fish Department | Various | Other |
Reproductive Parameters of Moose During Population Expansion in North Dakota | William F. Jensen, James J. Maskey, Jr., Jason R. Smith, and Eric S. Michel | Moose | Research papers |
Aging Pronghorn | Bill Jensen | Pronghorn (antelope) | Educational materials |
Aging Deer | Bill Jensen | Deer | Educational materials |