An ARM Approach at Understanding the Interactions between Landscape, Vegetation Type, Grassland Bird Productivity, Alternative Prey, and Predator Density (SWG T-43-R) |
Mike Eichholz, Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
Grassland Birds |
Research papers |
Archived |
Tallgrass Prairie Reconstruction (SWG T-37-R) |
Kristine Askerooth, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Various |
Research papers |
Archived |
Muskrat Trapping in North Dakota - Avoiding Nontarget Water Birds Using Muskrat Float Sets |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department |
Muskrats Water Birds |
Educational materials |
Active |
Checklist of North Dakota Birds |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department - Sandra Johnson |
Birds |
Educational materials |
Active |
North Dakota Sage-grouse Management Plan 2014 |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department - Aaron C. Robinson |
Greater Sage-grouse |
Management reports and plans |
Archived |
State Wildlife Action Plan Synopsis |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department Dyke, Steve R., Sandra K. Johnson, and Patrick T. Isakson |
Various |
Management reports and plans |
Archived |
State Wildlife Action Plan (2015) |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department Dyke, Steve R., Sandra K. Johnson, and Patrick T. Isakson |
Various |
Management reports and plans |
Archived |
North Dakota Colonial and Semi-colonial Waterbird Inventory (SWG T-40-R) |
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies - Nancy Drilling |
Colonial and semi-colonial waterbirds |
Research papers |
Archived |
North Dakota Bighorn Sheep Management Plan (2024-2034) |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science |
Bighorn Sheep |
Management reports and plans |
Active |
Habitat Resource Selection by Greater Sage-grouse within Oil and Gas Development Areas in North Dakota and Montana |
South Dakota State University - Kristin A. Fritz |
Greater Sage-grouse |
Research papers |
Archived |
Nesting and Brood-rearing Habitat Selection of Greater Sage-grouse and associated survival of Hens and Broods at the Edge of Their Historic Distribution |
South Dakota State University - Katie M. Herman-Brunson |
Greater Sage-grouse |
Research papers |
Archived |
Ecology of Greater Sage-grouse in the Dakotas |
South Dakota State University - Christopher C. Swanson |
Greater Sage-grouse |
Research papers |
Archived |
Habitat Suitability for Greater Sage-grouse in Oil and Gas Developed Areas in North Dakota and Montana |
South Dakota State University - Kent C.Jensen, USDA Forest Service - Mark A. Rumble |
Greater Sage Grouse |
Research papers |
Archived |
Using Cable Devices in North Dakota - A Guide to Responsible Use |
North Dakota Fur Hunters and Trappers Association, North Dakota Game and Fish Department |
Furbearers |
Educational materials |
Active |
Assessing the Natural History and Habitat Use of the Fisher in Eastern North Dakota (SWG T-12-R) |
Steven C. Loughry |
Fisher |
Research papers |
Archived |
Assessing the current and projected future distribution of a recently re-establishing fisher (Martes pennanti) population in eastern North Dakota (SWG T-12-R) |
Frostberg State University - Maggie D. Triska |
Fisher |
Research papers |
Archived |
Evaluating river otter (Lontra canadensis) translocation success: Post-release monitoring via olfactory attractants and intraperitoneal transmitters, and local anglers’ attitudes (SWG T-12-R) |
Jennifer Alexandra Bohrman |
River Otter |
Research papers |
Archived |
Food Habits of River Otters (Lontra canadensis) in the Red River of the North drainage of Eastern North Dakota (SWG T-12-R) |
Cory R. Stearns |
River Otter |
Research papers |
Archived |
A Study of American Marten (Martes americana) Distribution and Habitat Fragmentation in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota (SWG T-12-R) |
Pennsylvania State University - Amber J. Bagherian |
American Marten |
Research papers |
Archived |
Phylogeography and Habitat Associations of Franklin's Gulls in their United States Breeding Range (SWG T2-4-R) |
Colorado State University - AnnMarie Krmpotich |
Franklin's gull |
Research papers |
Archived |
Influences of Climate Variability and Landscape Modifications on Water Dynamics, Community Structure, and Amphipod Populations in Large Prairie Wetlands: Implications for Waterbird Conservation (SWG T2-7-R) |
North Dakota State University - Mark Thomas Wiltermuth |
Waterbirds |
Research papers |
Archived |
Grassland Songbird Response to Landscape Composition and Vegetation in Northeastern and East-central North Dakota (SWG T2-8-R) |
Bemidji State University - Dustin James VanThuyne |
Grassland Songbirds |
Research papers |
Archived |
An Intensive Study of Swainson's Hawks on the Northern Great Plains |
South Dakota State University - Will M. Inselman |
Swainson's Hawks |
Research papers |
Archived |
An Assessment of Direct Mortality to Avifauna from Wind Energy Facilities in North Dakota and South Dakota (SWG T-36-R) |
South Dakota State University - Brianna J. Graff |
Birds |
Research papers |
Archived |
Diseases and Parasites of North Dakota Amphibians (SWG T-38-R) |
University of North Dakota - Dr. Robert Newman, Dr. Vasyl Tkach |
amphibians |
Research papers |
Archived |
Survey and faunal inventory of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies in southwestern North Dakota (SWG T-32-R-1) |
Dickinson State University - Michael Shaughnessy |
Black-tailed Prairie Dog |
Research papers |
Archived |
Population and Status Assessment Strategies Applied to a Management Plan for the Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina in North Dakota (T-29-R) |
University of Idaho - Christopher D. Dekker |
Snapping Turtle |
Research papers |
Archived |
Habitat Enhancement for Grassland Birds in the Sheyenne Delta Landscape (SWG T-25-HM) |
The Nature Conservancy - Eric Hoff |
Grassland Birds |
Research papers |
Archived |
An Evaluation of Northern Leopard Frog Populations in North Dakota (SWG T2-12-R) |
North Dakota State University - Justin David Lee Fisher |
Northern Leopard Frogs |
Research papers |
Archived |
Wetland Restoration Loss of Production Payments to Restore Critical Habitat for Species of Conservation Priority in ND (SWG T2-9-R) |
North Dakota Natural Resources Trust- Terry Allbee |
Various |
Research papers |
Archived |
Franklin’s gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) is a long distance migrant that nests over water in large marshes of the prairie regions of North America. Franklin’s gull is a Level I Species of Concern in North Dakota and a high priority species for the Prairie |
North Dakota State University - Shawn Edward Weissenfluh |
Franklin's gull |
Research papers |
Archived |
Relationships among landscape composition, nesting density, chick condition, adult condition and reproductive success in Franklin’s gull (T2-4-R) |
North Dakota State University - Mark Clark, Wendy Reed |
Franklin's gull |
Research papers |
Archived |
Restoration and Enhancement of Mixed Grass, Tall Grass and Sand Prairie in ND State Parks (SWG T2-3-D) |
North Dakota Parks and Recreation |
Native prairie |
Research papers |
Archived |
Recommended Management Practices for Reducing Oil/Gas Impacts to Wildlife |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department, North Dakota Petroleum Council |
Various |
Research papers |
Active |
Breeding Ecology of Ferruginous Hawks, Swainson’s Hawks, and Northern Harriers in South-central North Dakota (SWG T-36-R) |
South Dakota State University - Dr. Troy Grovenburg, Shubham Datta |
Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawks |
Research papers |
Archived |
Relocation of Historic Browse Transect Photo-Points in the North Dakota Badlands (SWG T-34-R) |
Montgomery Associates and ND Game and Fish Department |
All badlands wildlife |
Research papers |
Archived |
Distribution of grassland insects in Eastern North Dakota (SWG T-33-R) |
Brett Goodwin, University of North Dakota |
Insects |
Research papers |
Archived |
Grassland Bird Response to Decreases in Grazing Pressure (SWG T-31-R) |
Dr. Marissa Ahlering, The Nature Conservancy |
Grassland nesting birds |
Research papers |
Archived |
Breeding Ecology of Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawks in Relation to Energy Extraction Activities in Western North Dakota (SWG T-30-R) |
University of Oklahoma - Dr. David Wiggins and Dr. Gary Schnell |
Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawks |
Research papers |
Archived |
Removing Sedimentation as a Technique for Restoring Palustrine Seasonal and Temporary Wetlands in the Northeast Drift Prairie of North Dakota (SWG T-27-HM) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- Mark Fisher |
All wetland associated species |
Research papers |
Archived |
Establishing Amphibian Population Levels in Local Sites of North Dakota (SWG T-26-R) |
Dr. Chris Beachy and Ken Cabarle, Minot State University |
Canadian Toad, Plains Spadefoot |
Research papers |
Archived |
A Two Phase Population Survey of Mussels in North Dakota Rivers (SWG T-24-R) |
Dr. Andre Delorme, Valley City State University |
Freshwater mussels |
Research papers |
Archived |
Implementing Adaptive Grassland Management for Declining Grassland and Wetland Birds at the Davis Ranch (SWG T-23-HM) |
Eric Rosenquist, The Nature Conservancy |
Numerous grassland and wetland associated species |
Research papers |
Archived |
Implementation of North Dakota’s Wildlife Action Plan through the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s Private Lands Initiative. (SWG T-22-HM) |
Kevin Kading ND Game and Fish Department |
All |
Research papers |
Archived |
Restoring Tall-grass and Mixed-grass Prairie in Cropland-dominated Landscapes of Northeastern North Dakota (SWG T-21-D) |
Cami Dixon, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Tall and mixed-grass associated species in NE North Dakota |
Research papers |
Archived |
Removal of Russian Olive Trees and Other Woody Vegetation in Grassland, Wetland, and Riparian Habitats (SWG T-20-D-1, T-20-R) |
North Dakota Game and Fish Department - Jeb Williams |
Numerous grassland and wetland associated species |
Research papers |
Archived |
Status of Selected Fishes with immediate conservation need in North Dakota (SWG T-14-R) |
Dr. Charles Berry, South Dakota State University |
Stream Fish in select drainages |
Research papers |
Archived |
Shorebird Nest Success and Nest-Site Selection in the Devils Lake Wetland Management District (SWG T-13-R) |
Dr. Elizabeth Loos, Delta Waterfowl Foundation |
Upland nesting shorebirds |
Research papers |
Archived |
Distribution and Abundance of River Otters and other Meso-carnivores in Eastern ND (SWG T-12-R) |
Frostburg State University - Dr. Tom Serfass, Cory Stearns, Steven Loughery, Maggie Triska, Jessica Brandt, Frank K. Ammer, Brenda Newton, Zac Olsen and Tom Serfass |
River otters, Fishers, and Spotted Skunks |
Research papers |
Archived |
Aerial Survey and Ground-based Mapping Effort of Black-tailed Prairie Dog Colonies in Southwestern ND (SWG T-11-R) |
Craig Knowles, FaunaWest Wildlife Consultants |
Black-tailed Prairie dog |
Research papers |
Archived |