Fish Challenge
The 2024 contest has closed. Please check back May 1, 2025 for the next open-water contest.
North Dakota is home to a wide variety of fish species and our fisheries department works hard to stock waters across the state for angler enjoyment.
To encourage exploration of North Dakota's fisheries, anglers can now take part in the North Dakota Fish Challenges!
Classic Challenge
To achieve the Classic Fish Challenge, anglers must catch (in North Dakota), photograph, and submit a photo of each of the four fish species:
- northern pike,
- yellow perch,
- smallmouth bass and
- channel catfish.
Sign Up for the Classic Challenge
Sportfish Challenge
To achieve the Sportfish Fish Challenge, anglers must catch (in North Dakota), photograph, and submit a photo of each of the four fish types:
- bluegill,
- walleye,
- bass (largemouth, smallmouth or white) and
- trout (rainbow or brown).
Sign Up for the Sportfish Challenge
Rough Fish Challenge
To achieve the Rough Fish Challenge, anglers must catch (in North Dakota), photograph, and submit a photo of each of the three fish types:
- bullhead (black, yellow or brown)
- carp (common, silver, bighead and grass),
- sucker (white, blue, bigmouth buffalo, and shorthead redhorse).
Sign Up for the Rough Fish Challenge
How to Enter
Begin by signing up for the challenge(s) of your choice above.
Then each time you catch a challenge fish, let us know by filling out the online submission form and be sure to attach a photo of your catch (you can enter multiple challenge fish at one time if you'd prefer.)
When you have caught your last fish, check "Yes" next to the final question on the entry form indicating you have completed your challenge. Those who complete the challenge will receive a certificate and sticker.
(Contest Dates: May 1, 2025 - August 15, 2025)
The Fish - Classic Challenge
Northern Pike

(Pike Family)
Yellow Perch

(Perch Family)
Smallmouth Bass

(Sunfish Family)
Channel Catfish

(Catfish Family)
The Fish - Sportfish Challenge

(Perch Family)

(Sunfish Family)
Smallmouth Bass

(Sunfish Family)
Largemouth Bass

(Sunfish Family)
White Bass

(Temperate or True Bass Family)
Rainbow Trout

(Trout Family)
Brown Trout

(Trout Family)
The Fish - Rough Fish Challenge
Black Bullhead

(Catfish Family)
Yellow and brown bullhead can also be found in the state.
White Sucker

(Sucker Family)
Blue Sucker

(Sucker Family)
Bigmouth Buffalo

(Sucker Family)
Shorthead Redhorse

(Sucker Family)
Completed Challenges
See who has completed the challenge so far.