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Natural History Calendar


Two young pheasants on a fence in the fog

Ring-Necked Pheasant

Ring-necked pheasants are rearing broods.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early June through Late August)

Bald eagle on nest

Bald Eagle

Bald eagles are building or maintaining nests.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early January through Late February)

Great horned owl by nest

Great Horned Owl

Great horned owls begin nesting.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).


Bald eagle on nest

Bald Eagle

Bald eagles are laying eggs.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late February through Mid-March)

Snow bunting group in snow

Snow Bunting

Snow buntings depart for northern breeding grounds.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early March through Early April)

Canada geese standing in grass

Canada Geese

Canada geese spring migration.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-March through Mid-May)

Three male and one female red heads flying


Duck spring migration.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-March through Mid-May)

Sage grouse male displaying

Sage Grouse

Sage grouse breeding season (peaks in late April).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-March through Mid-May)

Sharptails on a lek

Sharp-Tailed Grouse

Sharp-tailed grouse breeding season (peaks in mid-April).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-March through Mid-May)

Snow goose flock - some flying, some standing on ice

Snow Geese

Snow geese spring migration.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-March through Mid-April)

Meadowlark singing on clump of dried vegetation

Western Meadowlark

Western meadowlarks return to North Dakota.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-March through Early April)

Bald eagle on nest

Bald Eagle

Bald eagle eggs hatching.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late March through Mid-April)

Two male pheasants fighting

Ring-Necked Pheasant

Ring-necked pheasants males are crowing.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early April through Early June)

Ruffed Grouse Drumming

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed grouse are drumming.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early April through Late May)

Long-billed curlew on muddy wetland edge

Long-Billed Curlew

Long-billed curlews return to North Dakota.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-April through Late April)

Male turkey displaying

Wild Turkey

Wild turkey breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-April through Late May)

American bittern walking through dry reeds

American Bittern

American bittern return to North Dakota from their wintering grounds.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-April through Mid-May)

Long-billed curlew in field

Long-Billed Curlew

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early May)

Sedge wren clinging to reeds

Sedge Wren

Sedge wrens return from their wintering grounds.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early May)

Sharptail in brown grass

Sharp-Tailed Grouse

Sharp-tailed grouse nesting season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early May through Early August)

Meadowlark singing on bush

Western Meadowlark

Western meadowlarks laying eggs.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early May through Late June)

Pheasant chick in grass

Ring-Necked Pheasant

Ring-necked pheasants are nesting.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-May through Mid-July)

Wild turkey in grass and flowers

Wild Turkey

Wild turkey are nesting.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-May through Late July)

Gray partridge flying

Gray Partridge

Gray partridge nesting season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through Mid-August)

Long-billed curlew in field

Long-Billed Curlew

Long-billed curlew eggs hatch.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through Early June)

Sharptail snow cave (example to illustrate what gray partridge also do)

Gray Partridge

Gray partridge and sharp-tailed grouse often use snow for thermal cover, and may be found burrowing and roosting under snow.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early December through Late February)

Gray partridge in grass

Gray Partridge

Gray partridge nesting season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early June through Late August)

Sharptail in green grass

Sharp-Tailed Grouse

Sharp-tailed grouse brood rearing.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early June through Late August)

Turkey broods feeding in grass

Wild Turkey

Wild turkey are rearing broods.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early June through Late August)

Long-billed curlew in field

Long-Billed Curlew

Long-billed curlew adult females migrate south for the winter.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-June through Early July)

Meadowlark on sagebrush

Western Meadowlark

Western meadowlark young fledge.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-June through Early July)

Long-billed curlew at wetland edge

Long-Billed Curlew

Long-billed curlew adult males migrate south for the winter shortly after adult females leave.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late June through Mid-July)

Meadowlark in grass

Western Meadowlark

Western meadowlark females may attempt a second nest.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late June through Mid-July)

Bald eagle chick and parent near nest

Bald Eagle

Bald eagle young take their first flights and are ready to fledge (leave the nest).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early July through Early August)

Long-billed curlew in field

Long-Billed Curlew

Long-billed curlew young migrate south for the winter after their parents have already left.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late July through Late August)

Sedge wren clinging to reeds singing

Sedge Wren

Sedge wrens are still singing, possibly attempting second nests.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late July through Late August)

American bittern walking near wetland

American Bittern

American bittern depart for their wintering grounds.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early September through Early October)

Sharptail displaying

Sharp-Tailed Grouse

Sharp-tailed grouse males displaying on leks (displaying on leks is triggered by photoperiod, so sharptails will display in the fall as well as spring).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-October through Early November)

Snow bunting group in snow (Adobe stock)

Snow Bunting

Snow buntings come to the state to overwinter.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-October through Early April)

Meadowlark flying from post

Western Meadowlark

Western meadowlarks depart for southern wintering grounds.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-October through Early November)

Female snowy owl flying over snow

Snowy Owl

Snowy owls may be found overwintering in the state.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late October through Early May)

Northern hawk owl in tree

Northern Hawk Owl

Northern hawk owls, an uncommon visitor to ND, may be seen.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late November through Late March)

Sage grouse female in grass

Sage Grouse

Sage grouse survival rates are relatively high in winter. Winter diet consists almost entirely of sagebrush buds and leaves.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early December through Late February)

Sharptails in tree

Sharp-Tailed Grouse

Sharp-tailed grouse diet consists primarily of berries (buffalo berry, rose hips, snow berrires, etc) and buds (green ash, alder, chokecherry, etc) during winter months.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early December through Late February)

Sharptail snow cave

Sharp-Tailed Grouse

Sharp-tailed grouse and gray partridge often use snow for thermal cover, and may be found burrowing and roosting under snow.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early December through Late February)


Coyote howling


Coyotes are breeding and howling is at its peak.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early January through Late March)

Red fox in snow

Red Fox

Red fox breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-January through Mid-February)

2 Beaver on a log


Beaver breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late January through Late March)

Bobcat in snow


Bobcat are breeding and juveniles are dispersing.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late January through Mid-March)

Skunk in snow

Striped Skunk

Striped skunk males begin leaving their winter dens in search of mates.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early February through Mid-February)

Two raccoons in a wetland


Raccoon breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-February through Late March)

Mink in snow


Mink breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late February through Early April)

Red fox pup

Red Fox

Red fox pups born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late February through Late March)

River otter in grass

River Otter

River otter born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late February through Early April)

Skunk walking on ground

Striped Skunk

Striped skunk breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late February through Mid-April)

Badger looking out over mound


Badger young are born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early March through Late April)

Coyote in badlands


Coyote pups are born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early March through Late May)

Fisher standing in snow


Fisher born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early March through Early April)

Marten by tree in snow

American Marten

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-March through Early April)

Long-tailed weasel in grass

Long-Tailed Weasel

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-March through Early April)

Bobcat cub in tree


Bobcat born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late March through Mid-May)

Fisher in tree


Fisher breeding season (embryos delay implantation and development for 10 months).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late March through Late April)

Richardson's ground squirrel in grass

Richardson's Ground Squirrel

Richardson's ground squirrels emerge from hibernation.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late March through Early April)

Coyote Pup at Den Entrance


Coyote pups are emerging from dens.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early April through Early June)

River otter in grass

River Otter

River otter breeding season (embryos delay implantation for 8-9 months.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early April through Late April)

Young bison beside mom


Bison calves born (~45 lbs at birth).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-April through Late May)

Mink on rock with green grass behind


Mink breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-April through Late May)

Young raccoon looking out of tree hole


Raccoon young are born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-April through Late May)

2 young ewes tussling

Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn sheep lambs born (~8-10 lbs at birth).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late April through Early June)

Two young skunks on a log

Striped Skunk

Striped skunks born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early May through Early June)

Young moose


Moose calves born (~32 lbs at birth).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-May through Mid-June)

Young beaver


Beaver young are born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through Late July)

Young elk with 2 females


Elk calves born (~37 lbs at birth).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through Early June)

Mule deer fawn

Mule Deer

Mull deer fawns born.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through Late June)

Pronghorn fawn running


Pronghorn fawns born (~8 lbs at birth).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through Late June)

Red fox pups at den

Red Fox

Red fox families communicate by "screaming".

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through Late June)

White-tailed fawn in tall grass

White-Tailed Deer

White-tailed fawns born (~7 lbs at birth)..

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through Late June)

Marten peeking around tree

American Marten

American Marten breeding season (embryos delay implantation and development for 7 to 8 months).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late June through Early September)

Badger on mound with green grass behind


Badger breeding season (embryos delay implantation and development for 7 months).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late June through Late July)

Bison laying on hill


Bison breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late June through Late September)

Long-tailed weasel in grass

Long-Tailed Weasel

Long-tailed weasel breeding season (embryos delay implantation and development for 8 months).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early July through Late Aug)

Spotted whitetail

White-Tailed Deer

White-tailed fawns weaned by 10 weeks.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early August through Early September)


White-Tailed Deer

White-tailed fawns lose their spots.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late August through Late September)

Coyote running in field


Coyote juveniles are dispersing.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early September through Late November)

Elk bugling


Elk breeding peaks.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-September through Late September)

Older beaver with young one both eating


Beaver caching food for the winter.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late September through Late November)

Black Bear

Black Bear

Black bears are hyperphagic (eating excessively in an attempt to put on enough fat to survive winter hibernation).

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late September through Late October)

Moose jumping fence


Moose breeding peaks.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late September through Early October)

Weasel in winter coat (left) and summer coat (right)

Long-Tailed Weasel

Long-tailed weasels molt their tan summer pelt and grow in a white winter pelt.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Mid-October through Mid-November)

Mule deer buck near female

Mule Deer

Mule deer breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late October through Late November)

White-tailed buck looking over hill

White-Tailed Deer

White-tailed deer breeding season.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late October through Late November)

Ram and ewes

Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn sheep breeding peaks.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early November through Early December)

Black bear

Black Bear

Black bears are hibernating.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early November through Mid-March)

Skunk in snow

Striped Skunk

Striped skunks form communal dens but are not true hibernators.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Early November through Late December)

Female and mail pronghorn in fall


Pronghorn breeding peaks.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).



Monarch butterfly on milkweed leaf

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch butterfly annual migration begins in Mexico.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late February)

Monarch butterfly on milkweed flower

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch butterflies reach North Dakota.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May)


Crocus with dew on it

Prairie Crocus

Prairie crocus begin blooming.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).



Bluegill held by biologist


Bluegill spawn late May and June when water temps near 22 C (71.6F). Large males build nests in colonies where they spawn and protect eggs. Some smaller males mimic females to fertilize eggs instead of nest building.

Graphical depiction of the time range for this entry (see next paragraph for the text depiction).

(Late May through June)